[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] " I should like once more to make it quite clear and distinct that, here and now, I am not making any protest whatever against pigeon shooting . . . "—Sir W. BEACH THOMAS.
Sra,—I have carefully read Sir William Beach Thomas's article. I think I am right in stating that some years ago protests similar to his were made with the result that the tir aux pigeons was removed from Monte Carlo so that selfish or sentimental -visitors could enjoy the sunshine and the casinos without having their feelings lacerated or their sense of decency outraged by seeing the gentry and nobility of Europe bldw little birds to 'pieces—betting on the 'number they can destroy without a miss.
I, too, have protested, both in stories and articles to the Press, but let me make it clear that I have no more sympathy with those who protest only against pigeon shooting at Monte Carlo than I have with those who practise this childish and dirty sport. I object to shooting trapped pigeons for the same reason as I object to cotirsing rabbits, or to badger or bull baiting. And if, for. example, bull . baiting was a legalized sport in England, I would like to see it carried out in the most public places in the most beautiful centre of every city, so that educated people should be disgusted, so that sentimental people should have their feelings 'lacerated, so that there
,shonld be no escape from the beastly practice except by appeal- log.to the jntelligenoe of the public and -rousing public-opinion to pit. an end to the abomination. r- To-agitate-that trapped pigeon shooting should be moved from: Monte Carlo because the noise of lire-arms and the sight .g..f a dead •pigeon or two offends you, -is moral cowardice. If At--offends your -sensitive souls don't go to Monte Carlov-There are plenty of other charming places where trained man do the necessary killing in properly constructed abatteirs.--`-',But if you-seriously- believe that wanton destruction of any living -creature. is immoral and an insult -to creation—especially When -undertaken to satisfy the -lust of degenerates—then'- it is your duty to fight for its total abolition.-1 am, Sir, &e., ARTHUR APPLY'S: 18 Ladbroke Terrace, W. Ir. .--[We -have expressed our views already. We dislike the -shooting of trapped -pigeons as much as our • Obrrespondent does:—En. Spectator.] • . ••