" SUMMINGS UP 't [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,-The epitaph recorded by your. correspondent E. M.
Smith reminds one of the still more romantic story told on a tablet in the old Church of Si. Mary's, Truro, now Truro • Cathedral : -
" Aiin iv 760 inyiaroll
To the pious and well deserved memory of
Owen Fitzpen ale Phipper, who travelled-over 'hails, parts of the World, and on the 24 March 1627, was taken by the Turks and made a captive in fighting. -He projected-sundry plots for his -liberties, and on- ye '17 June' 1627, with 10 other- Christian Captives; Dutch and French, performed by his counsel and, courage, he began a cruel fight with 65 Turks in their owne shin-which lasted 3 hours, in which 6 of his companie Were Blaine. Yet God made him Captain, so he brought ye ship into Carthagene, being of 400 tuns and 22 Ordce- The King sent for Mai to Mitdrid to see him. He was profer'd a Captain's place & the King's favour if he Would turn Papist, which he refused. He sold all for £6,000, returned" into England, and died at Cemorran 17 March 1636.
Mekomb in Dorset was his place of birth, Age 54 and heres earth in earth.. .
Geo. Fitzpen ale Phipper ipsius frater et hujus ecclesiae, Rector IL M. P." .
Hanky Swan, Worcester.