Mr. Robert Herring has written. a very useful introduction to
a selection of photographs (" stills ") of scenes from some of the most beautiful and enterprising films which have been recently shown in London under the title of Films of the Year 1927-1928 (The Studio, 5s.). " The cinema," says Mr. Herring, " places before us not a series of patteins one after the other, but a moving, flawing design." • He 'tries to:explain in a few pages wliy the Cinema, being the most fluid artistic medium, is the InOitfitliy articulate, and what theCinema is irking to expressi-•-•It is' too difficult a subject to tackle satisfactorily
in so short a space, but the book—which has beautiful illus- trations—will interest all those who foresee a great artistic) future for the cinema.