Perhaps Mr. John Masefield summed up reincarnation more romantically than
anyone else :—
" These eyes of mine have blinked and shone
In Thebes, in Troy, in Babylon . .
I know that in my lives to be My sorry heart will ache and burn, And worship unavailingly The woman whom I used to spurn . . ; Until this case, this clogging mould, Be smithied all to kingly gold."
His poem, . 't A Creed," from which the above are excerpts, appears in Miss Eva Martin's The Ring of Return (Philip Allan, 7s. 6d.)—an anthology of reincarnation which the very large public interested in such matters will certainly_welcome, Miss Martin, it will be .remembered, contribtited an article to our. columns recently on the subject. We do not see Laurence Hope's :
" When you were a King in Babylon And I was a Christian slave,"
which might as well have been included in place of some rather weak efforts, such as that of Miss Natalia Crane. But one can always find fault with an anthology, and this one at any rate provides the reader with interesting and unusual material.
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