* * * The Embassy reverts to a diplornate de
carriire. This is as it should be. Sir William Tyrrell. is certain of a welcome from the French; who know something of his life's work. He has certainly earned the confidence of this country. As Under-Secretary of State thirty years - ago; and above all as Private Secretary to Lord Grey from 1907 to 1915 ' and as head of the Office since Sir Eyre Crowe's death, he has had an intimate knowledge of foreign politics as seen and influenced from Downing Street, to say nothing of knowledge gained from a different angle when he was for a year Secretary of the Imperial Defence Committee; -Sir Ronald Lindsay. will take his place as perm-anent head of the-Foreign' Office, and we only regret that the excellent work that he has been doing.at Berlin should be cut shortefor_it is scarcely three years since lie left Constantinople to succeed Lord D'Abernon.