Answers to Questions on the - Prayer Book 1. Lessons proper for
Sundays, Holy Days, and _proper psalms.
—2. " Sabaoth "=Hosts. (Not another way of spelling Sabbath.)
—3. Rubric at end of Catechism : And every one shall have a Godfather, or a Godmother, as a witness of their Confirmation." Howeirer, Fowler (Modern English Usage) allows singular or plural after " everyone.",---4. Public Baptism of Infants, .to be said by godfather and godmother, after the Creed put interrogatively. And similarly by those of " riper years " to be baptized,—=5. A " cOnvenient number" Or -" four (or three at the least)-"—rubric - end of the Communion service.-6,_ Rubric _at end of Catechism, " competent age." Preface in the Order of Confirthation,. "years of discretion," .7. Table of Kindred and Affinity,- "A. than may not marry his grandmothbr."-8. 'Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea.-9. Article.XXXV. Homily " be confirmed or be ready and desirous to be confirmed." Rub;IO end of Order of Confirmation.-11, St. Andrew. November 30th. ' 12. Canticle, Hymn and Song respectively, The " Yenita " Ir also (by implication, cf. preceding rubric, "another-anthem") termed an anthem: --13: _Catechism, ".)kiy.iluty towards iiiy‘tiqinhootir