The Baltic Republics are celebrating the tenth year of their .
existence. The hopes of better relations between Lithuania and Poland which were held out to us at the last Assembly of the League of Nations when the nominal state of war was ended are not being fulfilled. Lithuania's position is a hard one ; we still hold that Poland's conduct at the time of General Zeligowski's raid on Vilna put her utterly in the wrong and her subsequent flouting of the League was indefensible. Now M. Valdemaras, her Prime Minister, seems to be putting Lithuania in the wrong as fast as he can. He undertook at Geneva a most difficult and most uncongenial task and he is not now facing it in the best way. He may doubt that • Poland is worthy of confidence, but it is of no use to show such doubt before beginning negotiations. Estonia nearby has had less trials and we congratulate her on her progress and the position she has made for herself in Europe. She has shown energy and self-respect and has earned the respect of others, as was shown by the financial support given to her by the League.