At the meeting held on Thursday of the Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance. Society, the chairman had an excellent Report to place before the shareholders. The year was a record-, both as regards the number of policies. andY the amounts represented, while the new net business was larger than the gross busineSs in any previous year. During the year 2,181 new policies were issued, assuring £2,230,355 gross and £1,920,355 net. In no previous year has the gross business approached £2,000,000, while the net new business was £270,000 above' the record figures of 1920. In the courto of his remarks 'the chairman stated- that the new system of monthly premiums was proving very successful, showing that they had met a real need. -Very interesting, too, were the figures given with regard to the rates of interest earned on the company's funds for the last thirty years. It appears that in 1902 the company earned only £3 lls. 2d. net, but the rate rose after the South African War and had reached nearly 4 per cent. at the outbreak of the Great War. The steadiness of the net rate for the last three or four years has been remarkable and promises well for the bonus.