Labour Corps SIR,—I am obliged to Mr. Desmond Donnelly for
his kind remarks about our eating habits but he is much less than accurate in writing 'some City Editors are even welcomed at board lunches.'
My experience is that all City Editors are in- vited to large numbers of board lunches, so much so that nearly every day brings the embarrassment of having to choose between invitations and sharing the rest out among one's staff. This is quite apart from the mass of personal invitations to lunches and dinners with companies, banks and brokers of which I think most of my colleagues receive more or less as many as I do.
Nor is he right in picturing Sir Paul Chambers
and Sir Frank -Kearton as remote. Since the '&Cl- Courtaulds takeover battle, both have led the .way in making themselves and their fellow directors accessible to City Editors.
The improvement in this matter has been so re- markable during my sir years as City Editor that a very good indication of a takeover in the wind is when one telephones a company and is told that none of the directors is available.
City Editor 'Daily Mail,' 7 Angel Court. London. LC2