medy, for which this theatre is distinguished. EA It ItEN'S
Lon/ dy is, in its way, a Ch(f-trillIVIT of artifice, where every gesture and grimace has been carefully studied. Mrs. C. JONES'S ..1.1rs. Ileidiehety (the prototype of Mrs. Malaprop) is a pocket edition of DAVENPORT, with the whole contents compressed into a smaller compass. 31I'S. DAVENPORT ruffled her feathers like a turkey-cock, and came on "jetting under her advanced plumes" as if her stature swelled with her indignation : Mrs. C. Josi:s is all activity and compactness ; and she advances to the attack like a choleric bantam. 11cr dress is superb— a huge straw platter of ribands and flowers surmounting a pyramid of grogram. She looked a walking personification of a Dutch garden; her amber trimmings and flounces representing the bright gravel-walks leading up to the parterre at the apex of the triangle. Mrs. DAVEN- Peter was the grander and more stately of the two : but the bulbous proportions of Mrs. JONES are more truly Dutch ; and her wrath ex- plodes like a petard.
Mr. G. VANDEN] [OFF, as /.0retec//, was graceful, despite a constrained manner, that practice only will overcome ; and he is still deficient in fire and spirit. Mrs. NEST:1T hardly showed enough of the vixen for that malicious puss Miss Sterling; and Mrs. WALTER LAcv, as Fonnll, did not justify the encomiums of her winning and amiable qualities. Mrs. ORGEIS'S Betty is the very model of a thithful confederate : she had not only locked up the lovers' secret in her breast, but thrown the • key away. Mrs. Ilumuy as the Kitchen-maid, and Mr. T. GREEN as Brush, were well matched : she the very pink of abigails, and lie the BRUMMELL of the butler's pantry. BLAND's Canton was very bad ; and F. MATHEws not an efficient substitute for BARTLEY, who was prevented by indisposition from playing Old Sterling. LEIGH HUNT'S play is announced to be shortly produced, with Mr. MooRE as the principal character. A Ballad Opera, written by SHE- RIDAN KNOWLES, is also spoken of; but this cannot be the same of which Mr. JOLLY is the composer?