Tuesday, Jan. 21.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. W. and C. Polling, Toolcy Street, cider-merchants—Fearnley and Co. Bradford, worsted-matitifacturers—011ard and Garrard, Upwell. Cambridgeshire, surgeons—E. and W.Poole. Great Gonerby, Lincolnshire, masons—Lacking runt Sanders, Walbrook, butchers—Gilpin and Style, Dorchester, druggists—Nisbett and Co. Sheffield, iron- :masters—Johnson and Co. Gloucester, foreign wine-merchants—Cole and Brown, Kirby-moor-side—Brnut and James, Greville Street, Holborn, string-pearl-matter:ie. turers—Catchpole and Co. Truro, maltsters—J. W., J., and T. Morgan, Glasbury, Radnorshire. wool-staplers—Court and Rowley, Brighton, shoe-manufacturers —Fier- sheim and Co. Birmingham, merchants; as far as regards A. Reins:mum—Harrison and Peake, Bedworth, Warwickshire, riband-manufaefurers—Jaques and Co. Leeds, brewers—Meult and Co. Crumpsall, Lancashire, print-workers—Anderson and Foster, Halifax, plasterers—Clarke and Co. Eastcheap, bottled tile-merchants—Sonlby and Sladden, Ash, Kent, surgeons—Hill and Cu. lace-dressers—Thorne and Stevens, Sher- borne, brewers—Rubins and Sells, HatnitistitICII, carriers— liminey and Co. Coventry, bankers—Kinnier and Co. Glasgow, merchants—Ferguson and Co. St. Lucia, merchants. asausurns.
BENHAM, WILLIAM. Alexander Square, Brompton, lodging-housekeeper, to surrender Jan. 31, March 3: solicitors, Messrs. Blake and Lewis, Essex Street Strand; official assignee, Mr. Oilmen, Finsbury Slone. METRO/N, Tuosiss, Bristol, woollen-draper, Jan. 31, March 3: solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Bedford ROW and Messrs. Bevan, Bristol. COLLINS, JOHN, Staines.hutel-keeper. Feb. 1, March 3 ; solicitors, Messrs. 'Rubinson, Queen Street Plies; official Assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Pince, Old Jewry. FUsSELL, AUSTIN, Oxford, ironmonger, Jan. 24, March 3: solicitors, Messrs. Rubin- son and Co. Charterhouse Square ; and Mena-s. Dudley, Oxford.
GREENHOW, Itmesan, Wrexham, Denbighshire, ironmaster, Feb. 5, March 3: solici- tors, Messrs. Clarke and Metcalfe, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Grundy, Burv.
HALL. CHARLES, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, draper, Jan. 31, March 3: solid. tors, Messrs. Ashurst and Gainstord, Chearside; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Ab- church Lane. HARDY, JAMES, Weduesburv, Staffordshire, irotimaster, Fel). 5, March 3: solicitors, Messrs. Simpson and Moor. Furnival's Inn; and Mr. Woodward. Wedueshury.
Iderusst JOSEPH and WILLIAM. Ashton, CIAtoWspilniers, 31, Med:113: solici- tors, Messrs. Taylor and Co. Bedford Row; and 1,0 ade and Robinson, Liverpool.
MILNE, JAMES and Eioduan, Rochdale, cotton-spinners, Feb. 4, March 3: solicit, r, Mr. Smith, Chancery Lane; and Messrs. Shuttleworth and-Co. Rochdale. Moons, PETER, Ilirwant Glamurganshire, innkeeper, Jan. 31, March 3: solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New hut; Mr. Prideaux, Bristol; or Messrs, Whittington and Castle. Bristol. SUTCLIFFE, ELIZABETH. Rochdale, victualler, Jan. 31, March 3: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Medcalfe, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Whitehead, Rochdale.
TOLSON, JUHN SUNDERLANI, and JosEplI, Huddersfield, fanev•eloth-manufaeturers, Jan. 30, March 3: solicitors, Messrs. Vausandau and Howell, Old Jewry ; aud Messrs. Jacomb and Tindal°, Huddersfield,
WHITE. JOHN, Ring William Street, West Strand, chemist, Tan. 31: solicitors, Messrs. Dods and Linklater, Northumberlitird Street. Strand; ollielal assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basingliall Street. Wissis.assv, JOHN, Chorley, Lancashire, druggist, Feb. 14, Mereli 3: solicitors, Chilton and Maud, Chancery Lunn; Mr. Hall, Clitlmeruc ; and Mr. Halton, Button. DIVIDENDS.
Feb. 13, Brown, High-street, Camberwell, carpenter—Feb. 13, Deeley. Rawroth, Essex, miller—Feb. 12, Strong and. Berthold, Great Tower Street, fuer:lams— Feb. 12, Taylor, Liverpool, apothecary—Feb. 15. Young, Leeds, merchant—Feb. 12, Phil-
lips, Stockport. cotton-spinner—Feb. 15, Walker anti Co. Thurstonland, rhshire, clothiers—Feb. 15, Wilson, Heaton Norris, Lancashire, cotton spinner—Feb. 14, Smith, Leeds, woollen-draper—Feb. 13, Sirius:field, Bath. fell:nor:ger—Feb. 13, Nuttall, Manchester, grocer—Feb. 11, Jones, Carttarvon, iron-founder—Feb. 11, Syers, Liver- pool, tailor—Feb. 12, Pullen and Lowe, Manchester, cottou-spinuers. CERTIFICATES Tube granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or befine Feb.11. Smithson, Flaxton, Yorkshire, cattle-dealer —Venn, Bristol, colour-maker—Car- michael, Liverpool, dealer—Thompson, Liverpool, aPorney-lit-law—Crockwell, Tor- quay, lodging-housekeeper—Jackson, Water Inne, Thames Street, conumerchaint- Rogers, Woodford, Essex, smith—Albert, Cedishead, Lancashire, manufaeturing. chemist—Bolton, Manchester, witte-merchant—Nieolle, Southampton, mints:nem:hunt -Moore, Brighton, lodging-housekeeper—Elmer, Southampton, mo. isiummerehant. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
DAWSON, ALEXANDER, Glasgow, merchant, Jan. 24, Feb. 13.
MILNE. GEOROE, Dundee, printer, Jan. 27, Feb. 17.
MUNE, Gsottarr. and ROBERT, Dundee, writers, Jim. 27, Feb. 17.
PATERSTON, ALEXANDER, Aline, grocer, Jams. 24, Feb. IS.
Script*, JANIES, Edinburgh, stationer, Jan. 27, Feb. 17.
SMITH, ALEXANDER, Perth, trader, Jan. 25. Feb. 15.
JOHNSTON, JAMES, Perth, tanner, Jam 25, Feb. 15.
Friday, .7tin. 24.
Newton and Brothers, Nottingham, tapholsterers—Buchanan and Co. Liverpool, merchants—Barker and Webster. Leeds. woolstaplers--T. aunt J. Palmer. Worihing, plumbers—Traverse and Co. St. Helen's, Istueashire, printers—Norris and Dickids,n, Wince:don, land-surveyors—Meeklin and Spode.. Clifford Street, Itond Street, lei Mrs —Birtly and Co. Whickhant Malt:on, inssous - Ilayntan :eel Bode, Liverpool, general- agents—T. and G. Lawley, liewilley, Worcestershire, mercers— Stuart and Martin, • Fulstowe, Lints-dust:ire, coal-merehants—Itickwood recd Cu. Lewes, surgeons ; as far as regards 0. iliekwoud—Parnell and Stevens, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, Itousis agents—Brunt and James. Greville Street, Hatboro, strung-pea rl-manufaeturers —Philpotand Parker, Upper Southwick Street, Edgeware Road, surgeons—J. IL, 0., and S. Southern, AsIttutuunder-1.irte, cotnsunianuthetureri ; as ter as regards S.
Southam—liainbridge mid CO2,1, Leeds, wheelwrights—Pigs:at and Palmer, New Bridge Street, Iffitekfriars, milliners—W. and W. Troilism, bishop's Cleeve, Glottees- tershire, farmers --Hudson end Falconer, New Bond Street. tailors—'turner end Williams, Elizabeth Strset, Pimlico, paper-staitters—Bourne, ;tad Cu. Manchester, en- gineers—AV. and J. Ras, Almondlittry, chemists—Smith cud Hood, Salrord, silk- dyers — Bradslesigh et, l Emerson, Manchester, sewing-eottomminuffieturers—Skinuer and Cu. Peterhead, hat-manufacturers.
APPLETON, RAI.NES WAITE. LiVerphol, Inerehilid, Jan. 23. CLARKE. T11051,1S, Sickles:Imre, Suffolk, dealer, Jan. 23.
COSTIR, BENLImIN, Oxford, painter, Jan. 2l. BANiitterrelES ANNULLED.
EVANs, TrIoNIAS. ISrid,cnd, Glatilorgillishire, draper. 11A641240S, THOMAS, Birmingham, brace- inalliahlettlrer.
IIANK1111 yrs.
ANDERSON, JOHN ANDREW, Grettowiell, ledging•housekeeper, to surrender pa). 4, March 6 : solicitor, Mr. Witham, Chancery Law; official assignee, Mr. 0reen, Al- dermanbury.
9 BARKER, Wr LILAu, and A DA 5IS, SA MUEL, laCe•Mal nth: CI trer, Feb. 6, March 6 ; solicitors, Mr. Yallop, Furnival's Inn; and Messrs. Parso113, IIETHERINOToN, ErWARD, Neweastbsupou-Tyne, chersettinger, Feb. 17, March ; solicitors, Shield tool Harwood, Queen Street ; and Watson, Newea4le• upon-Tyne. Mae, SAme RI,. Seknird Street, Clerkenwell, grocer, Jan. 31, Mundt 6: s fficiter, Mr. Ashley. S6oreditelt; oflicial assignee, Mr. Turquantl, Copthall Buildings. 3011:44013, MmeusRu, Bridlington. Yorkshire, inakeeper, Feb. 5, March 6 : solicitors, Messrs. Smithson and Mitten, Southampt,st Buildings ; and Mr. Foster, DriMeld. JOHNSON,SANIOSt„ Maceleslield, sills-throwster, Feb. 4, March 6: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple ; and Messrs. liagshaw and Steve:Non, Alatteltester. LAX, ELIZABETH, Manchester, innkeeper, Feb. 22, Msrch 6 : solicitors, Messrs. Makittsou and Sanders, Temple ; and Messrs. Atkinson ;toil Cu. Manchester. MOILS, JANI ES, Liverpool, pawnbroker, Feb. 4, Marche: solicitors, 111r. Bridger, Finsbury (:irons; mid B emrs. Framis mid Dodge, Liverpool. Purrs. WILLIAM, By Street, Clerkenwell, oilman, Fels 6, Mitch 6: solicitor, Mr. Munn, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom , Abeltureh Lane.
PULBROOK, JO•Eplf Zscustustt, Illackfriars Iliad, shoemaker, Fels 6, Mare]) 6: soli-
citors, Messrs. Lewis, lily Place, Holborn ; Mr.Alsager, Birehin Lose. SALTER, JAMF.S, Bristol, Patton-maker, Feb, 12, March 6: soliciturs, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Gray's Inn ; and Messrs. Cornish and Parnell. Bristol. YOUNGER, ROBERT Illaowa, and IRVIN°, CHRISTOPHER, Critic Court, Fleet Street, publishers, Feb. 6, March 6: solicitor, Mr. Hare, Gray's lint Square ; official assignee, Mr. L'dwards, Frederick's Place, Old Jury. DIVIDENDS.
Feb. 14. Benson, Parliament Street, newspaper-agent —Feb. 14, Manners, Lambs% Walk, oilman—Feb. 14, Norton, Bulstrode Street, Manchester Square, cabinet-mats, —Feb. 14, Rielsaby, Chaleroft Terrace, New Cut, auctioneer—Feb. 17, Bradley, Nis, Elms, maltster—Feb, 19, Tindall', Hastings, brewer—Feb. 19, Temple, Great This field Street, carver—Feb. 19, KeweltsVauxhall Bridge Road, StalTurdshirc.•wareltot(re. man—Feb. 19, Richardson. Nee/Bond Street, cutler—Feb. 14, Kruse, Union Court Broad Street, mercbaut—Feb. 19, Thompson, Manchester, Manchester.warchousersaa —Feb. 14, Hillier, Ryde, printer —Feb. 17, Hogg, Aldborough, Yorkshire, wharlieger —Feb. 24, Applegate, Little Hampton, merchant—Feb. 15, Elswortlt Leeds, worsted. spinner—Feb. 18, Touks and Co. Aston, Warwickshire, lamp:mantffiteturers—Fels 17, Blew. Worcester. wine-merchant —Feb. 19. Reynolds and Knight, Rugby, ironmongers —Feb. 15, Reynolds, Manchester, cabinetmaker.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Feb. 14.
Aldrich, Ipswich, cern-merchant—J. and J. Oliver, Duke Street, St. James's, plumbers—Ityall, York Street, Portman Square, engraver—Humphrys, High Street, Lambeth, engineer — M'Dounell, Pall Mall, hootmaker, semen sEQUESTRAraNs.
Bun, Arum, Edinburgh, coach-lace-manufacturer, Jan. 29, Feb. 19. Law, JAMES, Dairy', Ayrshire, farmer, Feb. 1, 29. Jsrass and WILLIAM, Jetlburgh, marinfitcturers, Jan. 31, Feb. 21. Ross, neon, Greenock, innkeeper, Jan. 28. Feb. 18. TAYLOR, JAMES, Eyeinouth, cattle-dealer, Feb. 1, 22.