25 JANUARY 1840, Page 9


Lord Dinorben is, we understand, appointed Militia Aide-dc-Camp to the Queen, in the place of the late Sir W. W. Wynn,—Jlorainy Chronicle.

Lord Edward Howard, the second son of' the Earl of Sorry, has been appointed one of Lord John Russell's Secretaries at the Colonial Office.— Gteibc.

Mr. Trevelyan, brother-in-law of Mr. T. B. Macaulay, has been ap- pointed Assistant-Secretary to the Treasury, in the room of Mr. Spear- man, resigned. Mr. Trevelyan entered upon the business of his new dice yesterday morning. It is said that on her Majesty's marriage Mr. Spearman will be created a baronet—Coraaspondent of the Standard.

The sympathy of the Bar with the Bench was audibly expressed more than once during the delivery of Lord Denman's judgment in the case of Stockdale and Hansard. A protest against the House of Commons' attack upon the Court is in course of signature. Long lists are printed of Members of the House of Commons and others who have left their cards for the imprisoned Sheriffs. Several Members of Parliament and the Lord Mayor have dined with them.