&woo. EXCHANGE, FurnAT EvErtmo. THE demand in the discount market this week has been moderate, and the general rate is 2* to 24 per cent, for the best bills. At the Bank, wh ere the minimum is still 24 per cent., there is consequently little business doing. In the Stock Exchange the supply of capital is ample, and loans on Government Securities can be readily obtained at 1 to 14 per cent.
The Funds this week have shown increased heaviness, and a decline has taken place in Consols of 4 per cent. Political complications are still feared with the United States on the raising of the blockade question, but, on the other hand, the new French budget has had rather an encouraging effect. The public, however, continues to sell stock.
Other Government Securities have also been flat, but less so than Con- sols. Indian rive per Cents have receded to 105t to 106.
In Foreign Stocks, a reaction took place in Turkish Six per Cents in the commencement of the week, but there has since been a renewed rise. Spanish Bonds are again higher, but closed rather below the best point at-. Mined. Russian Stock remain with a heavy tendency.
The new Moorish loan has fluctuated between 44 and 54 premium, and left off this evening at 5 to 54. The letters of allotment were issued yesterday.
Railway Stocks have generally fallen on unsatisfactory rumours respect- ing the coming dividends. Great Western and Great Northern are the flattest. South Western has exceptionally improved.
Colonial descriptions have not been much inquired for, and in some in- stances, particularly Indian guaranteed, prices are rather less steady Great Western, of Canada, shares are higher.
Foreign Railway Shares have been in good demand, and occasionally show a further rise. Sambre-et-Meuse, however, have relapsed. Ameri- can Securities have experienced a general decline.
In the Miscellaneous Department, the principal feature has been the steady improvement in Joint-Stock Bank Shares, which has continued almost without check. St. John del Rey Mining have also again risen.
At a half-yearly meeting of the Unity Bank, to-day, a dividend was declared for tile past six months of 12s. 6d. per share, free of income tax Theoperations of the establishment were stated to be proceeding satis- factorily.
The imports of specie during the week have been about 242,0001. from America, chiefly sovereigns; 62581. by the steamer with the overland Australian mail; and 81021. from Lisbon. Some large amounts of bar silver have also been received from the Continent. The exports include 107,0821., chiefly silver, to India and China, and about 100,0001. in gold to the Continent About 15,0001. in gold was withdrawn from the Bank to-day for ex- portation.
A Company, called the British and Eastern Steam Navigation, has been started, intended to rival the Peninsular and Oriental by lower freights and more comfort.