BRITISH S. (Closing Prices.) FUND Friday.'
per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 924 New 3 per Cents 924 Annuities 1880
Annuities 1885
'Friday 93 'Bank Stock, 5 per Cent 1942 921 India Stock, 101 per Cent
Exchequer Bills, ad. per diem 17 pal.
Exchequer Bonds, 5001
India Bonds, 4 per Cent.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening..
Austrian 5 p. Ct.
Belgian 44— Ditto 21 — Brazilian. 5 — Buenos Ayres-, Chilian 6 — Danish .5 — Ditto 3 — Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) - 24 — Ditto 4 — French -3 — — — 102 911 — — — 644 1014 —1.—e. — French 41p. Ct
Mexican a
Peruvian. 41 — Portuguese 1853 8 Russian 5 Sardinian 5
Spanish a
Ditto New Deferred 3 Ditto Passive Turkish 6
Venezuela. 3 .
294 461 99 53 471 17t 891
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Bristol and Exeter
Caledonktn 1041 Chester and Holyhead — Eastern Counties 541 Edinburgh and Glasgow — Glasgow and South-Western... — Great Northern 113 Great South. and West. Ireland 105 Great Western 684 Lancashire and Yorkshire-- 1084 Lancaster and Carlisle — Loud., Brighton, & South Coast 1204 London and Blackwall 59 London and North-Western.... 954 London and South-Western ... 98 Manchester,Sheffield &Lincoln 444 ilicUand 183 Midland Gt. Western (Ireland) — North British 651 North-Eastern—Berwick 1014 North-Eastern—York 894 Oxford,Wor& Wolverhampton — Scottish Central — Scottish Midland — South-Eastern and Dover 781 Eastern of France 234 East Indian 1014 Geelong and Melbourne — Grand Trunk of Canada 21 Great Indian Peninsular 991 Great Western of Canada.... 114 Paris and Lyons 42
Australian — Brazilian Imperial —
Ditto St. John del Rey
Cobra Copper 35
Rhymney Iron —
A.nstralasian 66 British North American 50 City
Colonial — Commercial of London Engl. Scottish & Austral.Chrtd. 191 London — London and County
Loud. Chrtd. Bank of Australia 26 London Joint Stock 304 London and Westminster ...... 74 — National Bank — National Provincial New South Wales — Oriental 54 Ottoman 19 Provincial of Ireland 85 South Australia
Union of Australia
Union of London 304 Unity
East and West India 124 London 54 St. Katharine — Victoria 98
Australian Agricultural 26 British American Land ..... „.. — Canada — Crystal Palace 311 Electric Telegraph
General Steam 961 London Discount — National Discount .. 5 Peninsular and Oriental Steam 70 Royal Mail Steam 5/.
South Australian ..... -..—.....„ 35