The French Government is about, it is said, to issue
a loan. There is a deficit to be made up, the Chassepots must be paid for, there have been " expenses for defence," and the Mexican bond- holders, who are muttering savagely all over France, must receive something. M. etagne wants to place his loan cheaply, and we shall therefore for a month or two be treated to the most delight- ful assurances of continued peace on the Continent, assurances which will be repeated until the loan is subscribed. It is to be observed that should the Imperial Government require money for sudden war, it has in its hands the " Army Dotation Fund," and one or two other large amounts in Recite, and can replace them out of the proceeds of a war loan. Intermediately a circular has been addressed to all Prefects of Departments telling them that their newspapers must preach peace.