A scarcity of Stock having been experienced, the market for
Home Securities has continued steady, and prices generally have been well supported. On Monday, Consols, both for money and the account, were done at 94, 93, and yesterday they closed at the same quotations. Reduced and New Three per Cents. were 92/ to 938 ; India Five per Cents., 112 to 1124 ; Indian Bonds, 35s. to 40s. prem. ; Exchequer Bills, 23s. to 27s. prem. Bank Stock was 243 to 245. The Foreign House generally has ruled firm, and prices have had an upward tendency. About an average business has been transacted iu Bank Shares and Railway Stocks. Money has been unusually plentiful, and the best paper has been discounted as low as 18, k, per cent. A new Hungarian railway loan for 8,000,000/. has been announced. The price of issue is 711. 13s. 4d. per cent., yielding interest at the rate of 7 per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is 22,200,9031.; in the Bank of France, 41,084,655/.