A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People called Bible- Christians. (Bible-Christian Book-Room.)—The "people called Bible-Christians" seem to use much the same hymns as Christians without this particular differentia. Many old favourites are here, and the editors have followed the excellent rule of letting the hymn, wherever it was practicable, stand as it was written. Those that needed extensive alterations to make them suitable have not been used. We are sorry to read in the preface that permission to use the copyright pieces in "Hymns Ancient and Modern" was refused. We can see no reason, religious or com- mercial, for such a refusal. The hymns could not be injured by being used by "schismatics," and the " schismatics " might surely be benefited. Nor is it conceivable that the demand would be in any way interfered with by the transference of a dozen hymns or so to what does not pretend to be a rival collection. Had it been intended for Church of England worship, the cake would have been different.