The news of the week from America has been more
favour- able to peace, and it seems to be understood that the Government of Washington will induce the Government of Venezuela to open negotiations with Great Britain direct, on the basis of an arbitration which shall cover all districts in dispute not actually occupied by British or Venezuelan settlers. It was expected that the Senate would pass a resolution declaring any cession of territory to a European Power by any State in America an offence to the United States, but both the President and Mr. Olney opposed this, the proposer found that the resolution would disturb business, and the project was delayed. Mr. Walcot, a Senator, has made a vigorous speech in defence of Grreat Britain ; every- body of weight seems to think it possible to push the Monroe doctrine too far, though, of course, it is as " sacred " as the doctrine " blessed are the meek," and ther,e is altogether evidence of a gooier tone. The determined resistance offered to the German Emperor has contributed to this, the Americans perceiving at once the difference between the British recep- tion of the Emperor's menace and of their own. Even the Venezuelans appear to be growing doubtful whether there will be war, and are relieving their feelings by burning Lord
Salisbury in effigy. That is not very dignified or very Spanish, but if it amuses the Venezuelans, there does not appear to be any objection.