A Plea for a Simpler Life. By George S. Keith,
M.D., F.It.C.P.E. (A. and C. Black.)—After.a practice of nearly sixty years, Dr. Keith states in plain language his opinion of the treatment usually adopted nowadays by his medical brethren. In his youth, when the lancet was in daily use, ho witnessed the evils result- ing from depletion. In his old age he questions the good results of the "building up" system. Distrusting the frequent use of drugs, he doubts also the service supposed to be rendered by butcher's meat and by wine, ale, or spirits. In disease he would leave Nature as far as possible to work the cure, believing that in sickness "neither medicine nor alcoholic stimulant nor food are necessary as a. general rule, but on the contrary are often abso- lutely injurious." The best tonic, be considers, is a little whole- some abstinence, the best stimulant, hot water, the safest system of cure, rest, warmth, and fresh air. At the same time Dr. Keith would revert to the old system in some cases, and observes that in congestion of the lungs, bleeding seems the natural remedy. His treatment of influenza is hot water alone during the earlier days, and he states that under this system be has not met
with any case of a patient "suffering for months or years from what is called the dregs of the disease." Teetotalers will not like to be told that there is more danger from over feeding than from drinking.