The Diary of a Free Kindergarten. By Lileen Hardy. (Gay and Hancock. 2s. net.)-This is a very interesting record of hard and successful work. The first entry tells us that " St. Saviour's child-garden opened on All Saints' Day, 1906, with three children." It was held in a small mission hall in the Canongate in Edinburgh, but by the time this little book was finished in September of this year it had grown into a comparatively large school occupying a house in Chessel's Court. This growth is due to the fine personality and enthusiasm of the teacher, and we should like to congratulate Miss Hardy on the work she has undertaken. Her methods for civilizing and educating the slum children, and incidentally doing the same thing for their fathers and mothers, are admirable. She never loses sight of the spiritual side of the work, but treats it in such a natural and simple way that it takes its place in everyday life with no apparent effort. We have not space for a longer notice, and can only echo a sentence in Kate Douglas Wiggin's introduction, "I wish any word of mine might help to earn a little flood of golden sovereigns, and so this beautiful work be strengthened and developed."