25 JANUARY 1930, Page 20


I shall greatly appreciate your giving space to this letter. I am writing an account of the life and activities, literary and other, of Mr. H. G. Wells. It will appear this year in England and America. In the effort to make it biographically accurate and detailed, I am basing it largely on original sources, and I want to appeal to those who can lend me, for quotation or other use, relevant reminiscences, impressions, or letters (or transcripts of letters), especially any referring to Mr. Wells's earlier years or to specific activities. Original letters (or transcripts to be returned) will be handled only by my- self, and sent back without delay by registered post. Matter may be sent direct to me at Acacia, Dane Bridge Lane, Much Hadham, Herts., or c/o Messrs. Gerald Howe, Ltd., 28 Soho Square, London, W.1. Mr. Wells, of course, knows of and has approved this appeal.—GEOFFREY WEST, Acacia, Dane Bridge Lane, Much Hadham, Herts.