25 JANUARY 1930, Page 20


I see that the managing director of an important Glasgow bakery predicts that if the Government passes legislation to abolish night-baking, we may expect what has happened in Dublin, where night baking has been abolished—namely, falling sales and increased prices. Night-baking was abolished in. England and Wales and Scotland during the War with the specific object of reducing the consumption of bread. Is this still among the objects of the opponents of night-baking ? Another smaller point. The War-time abolition of night-baking did not popularize the consumption of " old " bread. Many families objected to it so strongly that housewives began to bake bread themselves. I do not think that the housewife of to-day will accept in peace-time the loss of her new bread and fresh rolls.—HARRY FOSTER, 82 Victoria Street, S.W.1.