Travel Pamphlets Reviewed
[From time to time we notice on this page publications sent to us by travel agencies and shipping companies, which we think may be of interest to readers.—En. Spectator.]
Winter Sports in Sweden, a thirty-two-page illustrated booklet published by the Swedish Traffic Association, Stockholm, gives details of plans for the Northern Games, which take place in Stockholm every four years. The Games will be held in 1930 during the week February 8th-16th, and include ski-running and jumping, toboganning, curling, skating, skate-sailing, and ice- yachting. In order to stimulate interest in Swedish winter sports, it has been decided to offer special terms for a tour, leaving London any Saturday in January or February 1st. The tour includes an eighteen-days' stay at the leading resorts of Storlien or Are, and the return journey is made via Stockholm. To enable visitors to see more of the capital, it has been arranged that the stay at Storlien or Are may be shortened, and a corresponding number of days spent in Stockholm instead.
The total cost of the tour need not exceed £23, which includes first-class travel in England and on steamers, second-class rail travel in Sweden, with reserved seats and sleepers where necessary, accommodation at a leading hotel in Storlien or Are, three meals per day throughout, and gratuities, but not transfer of luggage between steamers; hotels, and trains.
The Swedish Travel Bureau, 21 Coventry Street, London, W. 1, issue the necessary tickets and deal with enquiries concerning the Northern Games. They also have charge of the travel arrange- ments for the Stockholm Exhibition, 1930, which will be opened in May and will continue until September.
The British & Northern Shipping Agency Limited, of 5 Lloyds Avenue, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. 3, have issued a brochure illustrating their two new turbine passenger steamers, the Suecia and 'Britannia.' These ships leave London every Saturday evening for Gothenburg, the crossing being made in about thirty-five hours. During the summer months, from June to September, there will be two sailing from London each week—on Wednesday and Saturday.