The Spectator Appeal
At a time when so much of Africa is in the grip of near famine, sending copies of The Spectator might seem a perverse response, but most of the human catastrophes that have overtaken Africa since decolonisation have been the result of bad policy rather than of geographical disadvantages; and bad policy is the inevitable consequence of bad ideas.
If there is one commodity in which Africa has nor, alas, been lacking in the past 40 years, it is bad ideas. It follows that he who wishes Africa to free itself of the catastrophes that have plagued it might consider how to bring better ideas to the continent.
To that general purpose, we make a humble appeal to our readers. Help us to send The Spectator to Africa, as 15 years ago readers helped to send it to eastern Europe.
We do not claim to be able to do more than lift a pebble from the mountain of suffering that oppresses that part of the world. But — at the risk of being pompous — no change in Africa will be lasting unless it is accompanied by intellectual conviction. The mere existence of another point of view has potential to exert a beneficial effect where a single opinion has long held sway.
We know there is an amazingly strong demand, from the many touching letters we have received over the years from African teachers and students who cannot afford a subscription. With the enthusiastic help of the British Council, we have identified the institutions where we believe a subscription will achieve the widest readership.
We cannot rule out the possibility that The Spectator might open the minds of intelligent African readers to a whole way of thinking that has been diligently suppressed on the continent, and which they will not find in the politically correct pap distributed by the UN and the NG0s.
Donations to 'Spectators for Africa' shoul.d be sent to the address below, and we will publish a list of recipients in due course.
Each subscription will cost .£45 for one year, but please contribute less (or, indeed, more) than this if you wish. All donations — however small — will be welcomed.