It seems that till a House is "made "—that is,
till forty members are present—all the members who are helping to make it are prisoners by the rules of the House. On Wed- nesday last Mr. Roundell Palmer and Sir George Grey both endeavoured to leave before it was "made," before the quorum of forty had arrived, but were repulsed with severity by the officia:s picqueted outside. When the fortieth member arrives, and the Parliamentary organism is, therefore, complete, the thirty-ninth may go away again unobstructed, though he thereby maims it, and renders it liable to a count-out. The Speaker can exercise a gentle restraint in order to procure the blessings of Parliamentary counsel, but if, when it has become an actual blessing, it is not sufficiently valued to be preserved, he can exercise no further pressure. He is allowed to bring the horse to the water, but not even to detain him there because he won't drink.