A correspondent of the Levant Herald writing from Massowah -describes
the state of affairs in Abyssinia after the departure of the British. Wagehum Gobayze, who has occupied Debra Tabor, now claims the supreme authority, and is menacing Kassai, our principal ally. It is believed he will defeat him, and take away the stores we presented to him, and will then be acknowledged -suzerain of all Abyssinia. The rivals are at present eagerly -claiming the right to nominate the Bishop or Abuna, who must be -consecrated by the Coptic Patriarch in Cairo, a person over whom England could, if she chose, exercise some influence. It will be -wiser, however, in the interest of Abyssinia to let Wagshum cGobayze, who is by far the stronger character of the two competitors, -win the game, if he can, and establish a single rule throughout _Abyssinia.