Although the business transacted in National Stocks this week has
not been, to say, extensive, prices generally have been well supported. Consols for money have been done at 941, ; ditto for account, 944, 4. Reduced and New Three per Cents., 941, ; and Exchequer Bills, 15s. to 20a. prem. Bank Stock has marked 245 to 247. India Stock has been firm at 212 to 215. India Five per Cents. have been done at 115 to 1151, and India Bonds, 25s. to 30s. prem. Most foreign bonds have been in improved request, on rather higher terms. A loan for 2,000,0001., for the Canadian Intercolonial Railway, partly guaranteed by the British Govern- ment, has been taken up at 1051. The scrip has been done at 109. There has been a better feeling in the Railway Share Market. Money has ruled inactive, at 11 per cent. for the best short bills. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is 22,077,334/. ; in the Bank of France, 48,760,0001.