NEWS OF THE WEEK VATIONAL economy has once more become
by far 1--1 the most -iirgent problem' of our home politics. We• put it in this- way, meaning only that the' public mind has -again become alarmed by the unnecessary expenditure and'ethe failure' to retrench ; -but in truth' the needE-for economy has never varied,. has never been a jot less essential than it is now, at any time since the War' ended. This issue will -have to be fought out., The- - irninediate issue—the - demand. of - the Admiralty for more cruisers than the nation can -afford--is only the Opening bf a new phase -in- the conflict- which 'will go- On till Great'Britain is saved- or ruined. When we go to press on Thursday the Prime Minister has not yet' made his statement in the House of Commons on naval policy, but it is already clear that the decision is for as many ships as may, stand in the way of peace and in any case more than we can afford.