[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] have been deeply impressed during my stay in England with the steady growth of unemployment, and the danger of its assuming, in certain aspects, a chronic form. The difficulty, in my judgment, of meeting the situation squarely lies not only in devising a rational and feasible plan, but in gaining for its realization the endorsement of public opinion. Such support is indispensable, be the measure perfection itself. A fulcrum is required, as well as a lever, for effective action. With this twofold object in view, I should like to offer, if acceptable, a prize of £100 for the best pragmatic essay on " Unemployment : its Cause and Remedy." Ali arrangements I would be pleased to entrust to your determination.—I am, [It gives us great pleasure to accept the offer of cur generous American correspondent. Essays or statements of schemes for this prize should not exceed 1,200 words in length and com- petitors should aim at making 1,000 words their maximum. The Editor of the Spectator will judge the contributions and his decision will be final. In order to allow readers of the Spectator in ilistjuit places to compete we propose to allow six months for the competition. That is to say, the latest date for receiving MSS. at this office will be January 25th, 1920. The Editor
will reserve the right to publish any of the M§S. Competitors should mark their envelopes " Unemployed Competition."— En. Spectator.]