[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Having some shares in
the Union Cold Storage Company, I sent to one of the directors your article on the slaughter of animals. He replied that he had already read it with interest, and that I can rest assured that the Union Cold Storage Company does all it can to encourage humane treatment of animals in every department of its business. I had previously written, to the secretary, making some comments on the handling of livestock. on the ranches. I had some personal observation of sheep and cattle farming in the Colonies some years ago. The secretary gave me an assurance in similar terms to the director. This is good as far as it goes ; but if we may regard it as an established fact that the humane killer does all that is claimed for it, I agree with Mr. J. L. Hammond that the time has come for putting its use on a legal footing.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Dv,cksnwor Cottage, Moretonhampstead.