Moo= matters
Sir: I have filled out a Moonie personality test questionnaire and when I came back was told my personality was erratic and in urgent need of their attention. I can appreciate Mr Ferdinand Mount's comments (4 July) about the need not to persecute the Moonies. Perhaps their appeal lies with people whose old spiritual home (in my case C of E) seems unadventurous, conventional, corny or just for those who want to conform and get on: not for those looking for love.
To have become a Moonie would have been to alienate myself politically and culturally as well as to embrace heresy. I am grateful to Enoch Powell for showing the way; membership of the Church of England need not be a matter of unthinking fashion but conferring on one the full benefit of English identity and Christian faith.
D.J. Duthie 44 Claremont Avenue, New Malden, Surrey