A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of. £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first three correct solutions opened on 10 August. Entries to: Crossword 818, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
20 radial lights run from rim to centre and 20 from centre to rim. In each of the ten segments one radial light is formed by adding G to a five-letter word (e.g. BRIDE gives BRIDGE). The circuit next to the outer one (a six-word expression) is connected with the innermost circuit (one word). Disregard an apostrophe.
Name Address RADIALS (6)
1 Portion containing uranium in trough
2 Muddy pints finally drunk 3 One among compact short rows 4 Governs young brutes 5 Cure for Angus steer in bad way 6 In charge, one is (in Paris) most formal 7 Odd tree, note, cylindrical and smooth 8 Thrice face about and back 9 Awake, trick takes none in 10 Inducement includes unknown Indian's pony 11 Drag out old Henry found in river 12 Dig out former philosopher 13 Seller of fruit and veg — limited period with reduction 14 Extreme state 15 Issue in ravaged Ulster 16 Queen's sent back page to be vested 17 Deity from East: behold the Man 18 Part of boot's wearing — inmost part, it's said 19 A shame about eastern plant 20 Welsh in Bardic report? Not in any way 21 Check revolutionary tailed army attire 22 Sea-perch in foaming wave 23 Burns rubbish around hill mainly 24 Appropriate seasonal bird 25 Exposes rude types audibly 26 Wizard concealed by 'is mirrors 27 Money from Mac, shilling poor- er 28 Taciturn, is withdrawn fast 29 Refined sex-appeal in a Euro- pean 30 Loiter on way back, cut fast pace 31 Honourable word, Arabic, cut into small tree 32 Made to match? One's removed and trimmed 33 Observation and telepathy ac- tive in the Italian 34 Duck, one caught in sloppy silt of a river-mouth 35 Italian cook short of kidneys 36 The French intuition is woolly 37 Hangar's disintegrated fibre 38 In war ententes exist no more 39 Bound over, indeed, in a stew 40 One to turn a timber The solution to Crossword 807 is on page 46. Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.