A new soprano—Madame Aledori—has made her debfit at the Royai
Italian Opera. She appeared last Saturday in Maria di llohan, and had a favourable reception. Her physique is good ; she sang like an accom- plished artist, and acted with much (perhaps too much) energy ; making more of a feeble part than had been done by any one before her. It seems she was the "star" of last season at St. Petersburg, where she played all Grisi's principal parts ; a thing which will not conduce to he' advancement here.
Berlioz's Bowman° Cellini comes out tonight. The Prophets is an- nounced with two important changes : Mario gives up John of Leyden to Tamberlik, and Grisi Fides to a stranger, Madame Tedesco, who has not yet appeared here.