The English Funds at the early part of the week exhibited an unsatisfac- tory appearance and a declining market ; the uncertainties connected with the Turkish question causing much anxiety. Consols on Tuesday were as low as 98,1 I ; the result of speculative sales and depression on the French Bourse. On Wednesday, Consols improved to 981 ; which, with the ex- ception of an occasional seller at 1, was maintained up to the close of last evening. Today they opened ; higher, in consequence of a rise of about I per cent in French prices. They have since experienced a further slight ad- vance ; Consols closing at 981 ; for Account. Exchequer Bills are Is. lower. Bank Stock has improved during the week. The rates of insurance for war risks on vessels to the Baltic and Black Sea con- tinue high. The acceptance of New Stocks at the Bank of Eng- land has been very trifling : a return made on Wednesday was for 332/. of the Two-and-half per Cents. A special meeting of the South Sea Company was held yesterday to consider what course should be adopted as regards the capital stock, amounting to 3,600,000/. It was stated, that, since the former meeting on the 26th May, when it was determined to accept pay- ment for the 405,000/. Annuities held by them, no new suggestion had trans- pired. The proprietors feeling desirous to take money, the following reso- lution was carried—" That the South Sea Company adopt the same course regarding their Capital Stock as they agreed to at the special general meet- ing on the 26th of May last regarding the South Sea Annuities held by the Company." South Sea Stock was afterwards quoted 114 116 ex dividend. With reference to the above determination, the proportion of the 9,500,000/. petty Three per Cent Stocks to be paid off in January and April will amount to about 8,200,000/. Money continues in abundance in the Stock Exchange at 1 lb and out of doors on good bills at 2-1. Foreign Securities have been languid this week ; having been unfavour- ably affected by the position of Consols, and a decline has taken place in the following Stocks—Peruvian Deferred and Scrip and Russian Five per Cents, 1; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, Dutch Four per Cents, and Sardinian ; Mexican Stock fell 1 on Monday, owing to news of the territorial dispute between that Government and the United States : no rally has since occurred, the Stock closing today at 27; 8i. Advices received during the week from Venezuela describe that republic as being on the eve of political anarchy. A general insurrection in the provinces and a move on the capital were expected. Chili= and Swedish Loan have improved 1. The Railway Market suffered from sales during the early part of the week, which caused a declive of 10s. in London and North-western, on both Mon- day and Tuesday : other shares were slightly affected from the same cause. A favourable reaction in Consols on Wednesday produced a moderate advance in these securities, which was yesterday maintained. At the close, the largest amount of Shares were of the same value as last week ; in others, the difference compared with Saturday last was to the following extent. De- crease—Scottish Central, and York and North Midland, 11.; Caledonian, 15s. ; Great Northern, Lancashire, and Yorkshire, London and North- western, Midland, Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, and South- eastern, 10s. The decline in Foreign Shares has been in the following— Paris and Rouen, 11.; Northern of France, Sambre and Meuse, and Southern of France, 10s. ; Paris and Strasbourg, and Western of France, 5s. Paris and Orleans have improved 1/. Today a slight improvement has taken place; the leading shares of the English and French being about 5s. higher.
The English Funds are steady this morning, without change in prices. Consols for Account are 081 ; Exchequer Bills, 2 5. The return issued from the Bank of England shows that the acceptances of New Stock yester- day amounted to 2681/. 12s. 4d. of the Two-and-a-half per Cents. In Fo- reign Stocks the only alteration is in Peruvian Deferred, which is 1 lower, being now 58 60. There is nothing new in the Railway Market; the bar- gains have been in the following Shares—Caledonian, 68k; Great Northern, 89; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 78k; London and South-western, 90k; Shrewsbury and Birmingham, 62.
3 per Coat Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish.5 Per Cents shut
984 31 r03.4 5 2281 al 2 5
shut 99 101 96 8 103 5 104 6 Danish 3 per Cents
Dutch 21 per Cents
Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian Scrip Portuguese 4 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Austrian 5 per Cents 61 51 84 6 95 6 27 8 1 d s. par 39 40 117 19 102 3 481 9 231 945 98 100