The riots have excited great feeling in Italy, where it
is believed that Italians in France receive insufficient protection. Meetings have been held in Rome, Naples, Florence, Palermo, and Turin, to denounce the French, and the journals talk loudly of the weakness of Government. One paper even advocates war, an.d " The.honour of Italy" has been adopted as a cry • against the Government all through the peninsula. The Government is, however, strictly moderate ; orders have been sent to the Consuls in French cities to pacify the Italians, and the most determined measures have been adopted to prevent public meetings against France. In Turin, where a mass meeting had been summoned, and where the feeling was exceptionally strong, the streets were filled with soldiers, and the people summoned to disperse in the most rigorous fashion. The Ministers exhort the people to be calm, but oven the Republicans are excited against the. French, and the newspapers advocate a German alliance. So far as appears, nothing has occurred for which Italy could demand reparation, the magistracy in Marseilles protecting and punishing both races alike.