25 JUNE 1881, Page 3

• The Irish are very angry with the Census returns.

They show, it is stated, that while the population of the United Kingdom has increased since 1871 to 35,500,000, an increase of 4,000,000, that of Ireland has diminished to 5,150,000, a loss of 250,000 souls. Ireland has therefore declined'.from being half the 'whole kingdom, as she was in 1811, to only one-seventh. The number of houses is also less by 48,000. Of the total, more than a million are Protestants, the Catholics in Ireland not exceeding four millions, or less than 12 per cent. of the whole population of the two Islands. The Trish extreme papers say the decline is due to foreign rule, but the same process begins to be observable in Sweden, which is independent., and fairly happy. The truth is, humble people begin to know that they can be prosperous elsewhere, and they go. Much of the great Irish emigration comes to England itself, and much more goes to America; in both lands, they are happier than at home. What is there to regret in that? It is to be noted that the two counties in Ireland which have increased are Antrirn, where Belfast offers work for every- body; and Kerry, where the purely Celtic population is too poor ,(sven for emigration.