The Chase, the Road, and the Turf. By " Nimrod." Edited
by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell, M.P. (E. Arnold. 15s.)— The latest addition to the reprints forming the "Sportsman's Library." It is beautifully bound, printed, and illustrated, and for those who admire the work of the late Mr. Apperley, will be a welcome book. " Nimrod " wrote when both fox-hunting and racing were at their best. There was almost no competition from other sports and pastimes as at present, and no one had yet written attractively on " swell " fox-hunting or with " Nimrod's" intimate knowledge of the personality of the leaders of the Turf. We think his famous " Quarterly Run" rather dull, and all his work is full of the slang and catchwords of a narrow set. But his anecdotes of the " road " are amusing, and the stories of Newmarket and of the Turf in his day have lost little of whatever interest they first possessed for the general reader.