History of the Horn-Book. By Andrew W. Tuer. (The Leaden-
hall Press.)—The first edition of the History of the Horn-Book, in two volumes, is now, we are told, out of print. Mr. A. Tuer, in consequence, publishes a one-volumed edition, a quarto which, with its forty odd full-page illustrations, numerous illustrations in the text, initials, headpieces and tale-pieces, and three exempla of the horn-book stowed away in a pocket at the end, is really quite astonishingly cheap at 6s. The first edition will probably find its way in time to the dignity of a " rare book." The possessors of the second have the satisfaction of having a facsimile of a kind of horn-book, made of ivory, which was not known to Mr. Tuer when the first was published.