Poems by Robert Browning. With Introduction by Richard Gar- nett,
LL.D. (Bell and Sons. 7s. 6d.)—Dr. Garnett explains how it is that Browning is a poet who can be represented by examples, and also the principles on which the examples of this volume have been chosen. Possibly the period of the Copyright Act may have something to do with the selection. It is now eight years since Browning died, and the poems given have been printed from the collected edition of 1849 and the first edition of "Men and Women," which bears the date of 1865. We have no quarrel with publisher or editor for bringing out this volume, which is, indeed, quite worth possessing. Still, it is not reasonable to suppose that nothing could be found in all the work which Browning published between 1855 and 1889 which would represent his genius better than some of the pieces in- cluded in this volume.