The public is naturally demanding and being supplied with a
number of books about Mr. Gladstone at this time. The Right Honourable W. E. Gladstone, by Henry W. Lucy (W. H. Allen and Co.), is a reprint of a volume dating, in the main, some years back. The author has added a chapter which brings the biography (one of the " Statesmen Series ") to a conclusion. The frontispiece is from a recent photograph (January 29th, 1895) taken in the Riviera, in a light, it is clear, that one might compare to the " search-light."—Gladstone the Man, by David Williamson (James Bowden), is defined to be a non-political biography. His family, his friends, his homes, his books are described. Some pleasant illustrations from photographs are added.—The Life of the Right Honourable W. E. Gladstone (a Routledge and Sons) gives a summary of the whole career.— The Handwriting of Mr. Gladstone, by J. Holt Schooling (J. W. Arrowsmith), is reprinted from the Strand Magazine.