25 JUNE 1921, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' Sin,—I have read with much interest the leading article in your issue of June 11th. Perhaps you would allow me to enumerate our objects as stated in our constitution and rules :—

(a) To associate and unite all persona of the middle interests irrespective of party, to provide means for the ex- pression of their collective opinion, and to pursue a policy which shall establish justice and right dealing amongst all citizens.

(b) To preserve the liberty of the subject. (c) To uphold the authority of Parliament and to take active measures to obtain direct representation in Par- - Bement, and on County, Municipal, and other public bodies with a view to safeguarding the interests of all taxpayers and ratepayers.

(d) To take such steps as may be deemed necessary to pro- tect the public from oppression by any section of tho community.

(e) To organize so as to maintain essential public services in any emergency.

(f) To secure an equitable application of national taxation and local rating.

(g) To take Parliamentary and other constitutional action to attain these objects.

It is clear that within the range of these objects there must be many political and economic questions with which the Middle Classes Union is concerned both now and in the future, and as an organization it provides a rallying point for definite help in the maintenance of essential public services if endangered in an emergency. It has always been the object of the Middle Classes Union to oo-operate with other bodies on questions of common policy, but frequently there are discovered fundamental diffi- culties in the way of actual amalgamation. All aspects of this question are, however, brought before our members as they arise, and as a democratically constituted body, embracing all social classes and irrespective of political parties, it is prac- ticable for the Middle Classes Union to extend its energies by joining with other bodies. It is now actively engaged in nego- tiations with that object.—I am, Sir, &c.,

General Buildings, Aldwych, W.C. 2.