[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sta,—I must ask
the hospitality of your columns to suggest tho desirability of some branch of the Middle Classes Union or some rich member of such body to undertake the reprint of your leading article re above with a view to its distribution to the members of all the branches. Such distribution could readily be made through the medium of the headquarters staff of the Middle Classes Union. Inquiries could be made as to the number required by each branch so as to get at the total needed. Tho cost of conveyance to destination could be covered either by sub- scription or donation. If by the former, perhaps you might open your columns for such a purpose. When all members had considered the question in all its bearings a final decision could be arrived at. I have just attended a meeting of the committee of the Middle Classes Union at Hackney, none of whose members had read the article in question; this shows tho need for