SIR,--SOTII0 of your readers might possibly be interested to know that a Passion Play, beautiful as to acting and staging, is being represented every Sunday from June 26th until October at Nancy on similar lines to that of Ober-Ammergau, with the obvious difference that whereas the Passion-Spiel text was German, that at Nancy is French. It was started in 1904 by the splendid energy of the Cure of St. Joseph, and will not be given again for another ten years. I need not add that it is given with the devotion and reverence which one would expect from a French company of actors (all of them forming part of the devoted parishioners of St. Joseph). The play is acted in a theatre, and the audience is under cover. Nancy is, as most people are aware, within easy distance of the beautiful Vosges scenery, and if the romance of a mountain " setting" is absent, the romance of France herself is always there, and to some of us English people this surely may be enough to allure us to such a city of glorious war memory. All particulars may be had from M. le Cure de St. Joseph, 146 Rue Jeanne &Are, Nancy, who promptly books seats on prepayment,