25 JUNE 1921, Page 22


throlim.in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.)

Edward Prince of Wales. By G. Ivy Sanders. (Nisbet. 2s. 6d. net.)—This pleasant and unpretentious biography of " the most discussed and popular young man of his day " may be commended. The Prince of Wales has done, much and seen much in his twenty-seven years, and this • brief and accurate account of his career, illustrated with a number of photographs, is readable.—Our Prince,; by Edward Legge (Eveleigh Nash, 5s. net), is -discursive and argumentative, but covers the main events of the Prince's active life. The author errs in devoting a -whole ehapter to the refutation of some trivial and ill-natured criticism which most . people have forgotten.—Down Under With the Prince, by Everaul Cotes (Methuen, Is. 6d. net), is a well-written and- detailed account of the Prince's long tour in the `Renown' to Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, and the West Indies, by a correspondent who accompanied him on the long journey of 45,000 miles. In following the Prince the reader may learn a great deal about the great Dominions and the Crown Colonies:which the Prime visited. The book nontains some capital photographs.