The Extra Pharmacopoeia. Vol. IL; 17th. Edition, revised by W.
Harrison Martindale, Ph.D., F.C.S., and W. Wynn Westcott, M.B. Lond., D.P.H. (H. K. Lewis. 7a- 6c1. net.)—Testate that The Extra Pharmacopoeia has become indispensable to every medical man and pharraacentical chemist is to utter a common. place. The first volume of the latest edition was published in 1920. The second volume, which has just appeared, is a mine of information such as can be found in no other single volume. Hero the practitioner. will find concise but, nevertheless, clear accounts of bio-chemical and other tests which-are doing so much to clarify our ideas of disease. The results of Dr. MeCleates work on albuminuria, which would appear to revolutionize current viewsof the importance of this symptom man indication of Bright's disease, am not overlooked, and this. is very recent work indeed. Sections dealing with radiology, bacteriology, and chemical analysis, all excellent, are to be found in this wonderful book, for which doctors and chemists, and through them the public, owe a debt of thanks to the authors. The volume may be easily slipped into. the coatepooket.