We have received the first number of the DaMsowsie .Review,
a quarterly edited by Professor H. L. Stewart, of Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia : Review Publishing Com- pany, 2 dollars a year). " What we have in mind," says the editor, " is the need of that public, concerned about the things of the intellect and the spirit, which desires to be addnissed on problems of general importance and in a style that can be generally understood." This object is certainly attained in the openingnumber, which is varied in interest and ably written. Professor J. A. Lindsay, of Belfast, opens with a weighty article " On Thinking Biologically." Mr. Justice Chisholm, of the Nova Scotia Bench, gives the history of the first law-court In the colony, dating from 1721, eleven years after the British occupation. Professor Falconer writes sympathetically on the Lambeth Encyclical from a. Presbyterian standpoint. There are articles on Meredith's poetry and some French war poems,• on vocational education, and on the censorship of moving pictures, and other topics. Current political questions are briefly discussed at the close. We wish the Dalhousie Review the success which it richly deserves.