Who Rules .Russia : the Personnel of the Soviet Bureaucracy.
New York : Association Unity of Russia.)—This pamphlet gives lists of the members of the various Bolshevik committees which rule Russia. It indicates the nationality of each person. The " Council of the People's Commissars," for example, consists of 3 Russians, 2 Armenians, and 17 Jews. The "War Commis- sariat " consists of 34 Jews, 8 Letts, and one German ; without a single Russian. The " Commissariat of the Interior " contains 45 Jews, 11 Letts, 1 Pole, 3 Armenians, 2 Germans, and 2 Russians. The " Committee of Foreign Affairs " contains one Russian, 13 Jews, and 3 others. The " Commissariat of the Exchequer " consists of 26 Jews, 2 Russians, a Lett.and a Pole; the "Commissariat of Justice" consists of 18 Jews and an Armenian, but has, no Russian member. The central executive committee of the 5th Pan-Russian Congress of Soviets, nominally representing a Russia in which perhaps one person out of twenty is a Jew, contained 43 Jews out of 62, only 8 of whom were Russians. The pamphlet shows that the other 'Socialist parties, " who allege that they are in opposition " to the Bolsheviks, are largely controlled by Jews ; for example, the Menshevik central committee consists of 11 Jews, and the Socialist Revolu- tionary committee contains 14 Jews and one Russian. If these lists are inaccurate, it would be well to havethe errors exposed.