The. Irish, rebels during the past week have made repeated
attaeks .oa.the troops- and police in Dublin, without doing much harm except to unfortunate passers-by. Near Ifillstreet, County CO*, last-week, a police patrol was ambushed, but beat off its assailants with loss ; two policemen were killed and four wounded. The Sinn Feiners were chiefly occupied in murdering unarmed officers and civilians. Three young officers of the Royal Artillery and the Lincoln Regiment, in plain clothes and unarmed, left the barracks. at Fethard, Tip- perary, on Sunday for a walk.. They were. found- dead next day ; they had been blindfolded and murdered in cold blood. A young officer of the Worcester Regiment, driving with three ladies- in County Dublin on Sunday, was-stopped, dragged.from the car, and shot. The wounded man was then replaeed in the car, and one of- the ladies • was forced, at the revolver'w point, to drive the car to the hills. There the wounded man was taken out and shot dead. Snob is the chivalry of Sinn Fein. The same day Colonel Commandant Lambert was murdered while driving in Roscommon. On Tuesday Lord Bandon, the Lord-Lieutenant of Cork, a man of severity, was taken from his house, 'Castle Bernard, by a gang of Sinn- Feiners, who burnt the fine old mansion to the ground and hurried the aged peer away, presumably to be murdered at their leisure.