The Labour Party conference on Wednesday by overwhelming majority supported
the executive, in their refusal to admit the Coinmunist -Party. Mr. Herbert Smith, the miners' leader, said that the Milers' Federation " aa a- body" did not believe in Cemmtmisra. He expressed his contempt for the " red flaggers." "There are no wolves amongst theConemunistin they would not even make a good sheep." But Mr. Smith thought that they should be admitted -on their good behaviour. Mr. Robert Williams avowed himself a Communist, and,-though he had teen expelled from the Cornmurdst Party; he supported their claim to enterthe Labour Party. Mr. Henderson, however, pointed out that- Moscow; the Communists' paymaster, was opposed to democracy and liberty, and that the Communists would not accept the Labour Party constitution. The public, who judge by deeds and not bywords, will now be more curious than ever to know why the Daily Herald, which is frankly Communist, is supported by Labour- stibsidiee and treated as the Labour Party organ. This is strange, if the Labour Party and the Communists are in fact diametrically opposed.