orchard-makers in Herefordshire, has succeeded in grafting trees successfully in
every single month of the year, though we are generally told that it can only be done in the spring, as budding can only be done in the summer. An experience of the last week or two suggests that in many respects we are too deferential to the standard theory of dates. For unavoid- able reasons it became necessary to transplant a number of shrubs and plants round about the first week of June. Many of them were at the moment both in flower and full of young greenery. So far there is no sign at all that any of the bushes have suffered in any respect. It is still in some dispute which is the ideal date for transplanting evergreens. Most of us, perhaps, have received very conflicting advice on the subject. Probably May is as good a time as any ; but that the first weeks of June are one of the very worst for most deciduous trees and bushes is certainly the general belief. Nevertheless, even then the enforced transplanter need not despair. Some Irises, of course, are known to transplant best when in blossom, if the transplanter possesses what countrymen call "the green thumb."